It is possible that on more than one occasion you have needed to put a post-it on a website that you visit, to leave a reminder or detail that you should remember the next time you access. Well, this is not usually offered by default by the most used operating systems, such as those that run on computers or mobile devices, but there is a very useful solution for the Google Chrome browser. There is an extension for this development that allows you to achieve exactly this, and best of all, it works very well because it is full of options. We are talking about Beanote, a development that is available for free and that is completely safe with the work of Google. To download it, all you have to do is access this link and, on the page that you will see, click on the Add to Chrome button (you can do the same in Microsoft Edge, since the software is compatible). What this extension offers for Chrome Well, to begin with, its operation is really simple, because to add a post-it note to the page you are on, you simply have to click on any space on the page with the right mouse button and, between From the options that appear, select Create Sticky Note. At that point, you can add the desired text. By the way, if you press outside of it, it stops bothering you on the screen, since it shrinks to a small yellow icon that you can move without any problems. Among the existing possibilities in Beanote is the option of choosing part of the text of a website to be the one that will contain the corresponding note (to do this, select everything chosen and, once done, click with the right mouse button to select Create sticky note here). You can even highlight something on the page if you wish. To do this, use the extension’s toolbar or activate a ‘pin’ so that the generated post-it cannot be moved or resized. Is it possible to review all notes? The answer is yes, as the Beanote for Google Chrome offers this possibility. When accessing the browser extensions, if you open it, you can choose an option called Pages to be able to review all the notes that you have been adding. And, in addition, the website to which it is associated is included. In this way, going directly is very comfortable and the software even serves as a reminder of pages that are important (and reviewing the reason for it, so it improves bookmarks). An excellent tool that, surely, you will end up using. >