The Lava Blaze 2 mobile phone is expected to be launched soon in the Indian market for the entry-level segment. The information comes from the leaker Mukul Sharmawhich in addition to giving some details that include the specifications and possible launch date, also published a photo of the smartphone that gives a sample of its look.
Regarding the technical sheet, the successor to the first Lava Blaze (launched in October last year) should hit the market with the Unisoc T616 platform. The processor is an octa-core that usually equips devices in the entry-level market.
The other features were not revealed, but to get an idea, the first generation was announced with 4GB of RAM, 128GB of internal storage and support for expansion via microSD and a 6.5-inch screen with HD + resolution and refresh rate of 120Hz.
In the published photo of the device, you can see part of the rear region, which appears to be made of glass, where the cameras are positioned vertically, next to the flash. But the informant did not say what the specifications of each lens are. On the side, there are the volume and on/off buttons, where the biometric sensor should be.
According to Sharma, the Lava Blaze 2 should reach the Indian market in April month, but he did not specify on which date the device will be revealed to the public. The price, in turn, will be below 10,000 Indian Rupeessomething that in direct conversion is R$ 641 at the current exchange rate.
Also check out some details about Lava Agni 2, which should also be announced soon.