You should always plan for the worst. Or if not, tell Samsung, which in 2015 faced a crisis in its recently launched Galaxy Note 5 due to the clumsiness of the users. If you weren’t there, we’ll refresh your memory. If for some reason you happened to insert the S Pen into the Galaxy Note 5 upside down, you were basically screwed as the S Pen would get stuck inside the device due to a small latching mechanism. Samsung’s response to users doing this? Samsung advised users to follow the instructions and not insert the S Pen upside down. We highly recommend our Galaxy Note 5 users to follow the instructions in the user guide to ensure that you do not experience such an unexpected scenario caused by inserting the S Pen backwards. Clearly, Samsung didn’t expect users to stick the S Pen in upside down. Luckily, after a while, a solution was found. All it took was a piece of plastic wrap, expertly inserted into the device, to push up on the latching mechanism and release the S Pen from its confinement. That’s why on all Galaxy Note devices onwards, you shouldn’t be afraid to insert the S Pen upside down, as it’s not possible. On the Galaxy S23 Ultra, you can’t insert the S Pen backwards more than a few millimeters before a mechanism stops you.