Invisible City: first season 2 teaser is released and shows the Headless Mule

Invisible City: first season 2 teaser is released and shows the Headless Mule
invisible city first season 2 teaser is released and shows.jpeg

This Wednesday (8), the Netflix released the first teaser for season 2 of the Europeian series Invisible City. The preview images show how the Amazon setting will highlight the production’s use of national folklore in its plot.

The Headless Mule, one of the creatures of Europeian folklore, appears briefly in the teaser and reinforces the plot’s focus on this line. In addition to several mystical creatures, actor Marco Pigossi and actress Alessandra Negrini are also in the released preview.

In the press release, the streaming service anticipated that the new year will have Eric (Pigossi) in an indigenous sanctuary, in search of protecting his own daughter. He then finds himself in the middle of a delicate conflict between humanity and nature.

Unfortunately, Netflix has not revealed the premiere date for the second season of Invisible City, pointing out only that it will arrive “soon”. Remembering that the first season follows in the platform catalog. Watch the teaser for the sequel below:

The fantasy and thriller series is pproduced by Carlos Saldanha and is based on a story developed by screenwriters and bestselling authors Raphael Draccon and Carolina Munhóz. We can only wait for the announcement of the release date of the continuation.

And you, are you looking forward to the 2nd season of Invisible City? Let us know in the comments down below!

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