Instagram will block unsolicited “nudes”

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“Alert, nudity” will be the notice that Instagram users receive when they receive an image through direct messages that the social network’s algorithms recognize as a nude or an explicit image -a “nude”- that has not been requested by the user.

IF Instagram detects the possible presence of nudity in an image sent via private message, it blurs it and warns the recipient of the circumstance

A content that could well be welcomed… or not, especially when it has not been requested. Instagram will offer the possibility of activating this protection option against nudity sent by private messages, being able to block and prevent seeing said images. The system would be similar to the one that Apple has implemented in its messages through iMessage and ensures that the social network would not have access to the images to scan them.

This system allows the possible presence of a nude to be detected through automated analysis, blurring the image while warning the user, giving them the option of seeing the image or not.

Along with the warning message, Instagram would offer the option to block or view the image, also showing tips that you can follow the user who receives an image containing nudity that he has not requested. The user can activate or deactivate these notices at any time through the settings of the app itself, without it being known at this time if this option would be activated by default for underage Instagram users.

Instagram nudity alert

The possibility of blocking the contact that has sent that image and advice aimed at minors is also added, suggesting the convenience of contacting someone of legal age and letting them know about the situation. The protection of minors continues to be one of the priorities for Instagram, which has already applied more restrictive filters with respect to the content it shows to these users.