Instagram announced this Wednesday (8), that content creators in the North American territory will be the first to test a new way to engage with followers and also to raise money.
The Gifts tool began being tested in November and is a way for followers to give gifts to influencers they admire and help them to continue producing content.
These gifts are given through stars, which correspond to a dollar value. In a photo, video or reels published by the profile, the user can see a “Send gift” icon. It is possible to send 10, 50, 100, 200 or 300 stars.
According to the conversion panel published by Meta, 45 stars are worth $0.99, 140 are worth $2.99, and 300 are $5.99. Apparently, the user can accumulate as many stars as he wants. Each group of stars has a custom icon.
Interested creators can check their eligibility by visiting the Professional Dashboard on Instagram. The company has not yet given a forecast for the arrival of the feature in other countries.
And you, what did you think of the news? Will the resource be successful when it comes to Europe? Leave your comment below!
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