I have changed these 8 options on my router to make it more secure

i have changed these 8 options on my router to
i have changed these 8 options on my router to

router security settings

Leaving aside the fact that we all want the Internet connection to be the best possible at all times, the truth is that the issue of router security is a key factor. Basically, because if you don’t want anyone to sneak into your router or steal your WiFi, you should know what are the 8 settings that you must change on the device to increase your security.

The configuration of a router is very important. And it is that, if we want take care of the device and not make any kind of mistake, it is key that we know what options we must configure to improve security.

Goodbye WAN admin access

This is one of the first options that we must configure. The term WAN, in case you didn’t know it, means Wide Area Network, or Wide Area Network. In this case, it is an agile way that users are given to be able to remotely access the router.

For this reason, if you are not going to need it, it is best that we change this configuration. And let’s completely disable this WAN manager. Carriers use it to remotely fix problems on the device. However, if we need it tomorrow for some reason, then we only have to activate it. More than anything, because it is also an access that someone outside of us can take advantage of.

Use WPA2 or WPA3 encryption

If your router device uses WEP or WPA, you better forget about these ciphers forever, as they are completely obsolete. From now on better configure the network with WPA2 or WPA3. We are facing some types of encryption with which WiFi networks are protected.

And, in this case, these two encryption standards are the ones that currently provide us with the greatest security in wireless networks. Although, keep in mind that the WPA3 encryption It is not yet supported by all routers or devices. However, little by little it spreads.

Disable WPS, uPnP and NAT-PMP

Among other functionalities of the routers that we find are WPS, uPnP and NAT-PMP. The first of these is a system that allows us to connect to a WiFi connection without knowing the password. So it is a possibility that hackers can take advantage of to fraudulently enter the wireless network.

In the case of uPnP and NAT-PMPThese are two protocols that allow the devices that we connect to our router not to have any type of problem with its ports, since the device will open them automatically. Something useful if we are going to play on consoles and with the Internet. But, someone can use them to break into the network.

Change the default password

Like all routers, these devices They come with a password by default.. However, it is one of the first points that we must modify in its configuration. This password is the one we also found on your sticker. However, a big mistake that many users make is leaving the same key. So it is time to modify it.

Change Router Password

Change the name of the router

SSID, or network name, is another aspect that we must configure. More than anything, because the one that comes by default usually brings details such as the router model name. Even, in some computers we find the possibility of deactivating the SSID so that nobody can find it if you are looking for a WiFi connection.

Don’t use the same password

Believe it or not, many users repeat password for router and wifi. But, it is something that we should never do. More than anything, because by repeating the key we make it easier for third parties who want to access our connection or device. Since, if they find out, for example, the WiFi password, they will be able to fully enter the configuration. For this reason, always put a different password for each thing.

Activate automatic updates

The router is another device that, like any other, needs updates. Not only of its firmware, but also so that its security is the best at all times. For this reason, it is always advisable to activate the Automatic Updates.

In addition, these will be given at night, normally, so that we are not affected by the router being turned off. We also have the possibility of update them manually within your settings. But, in any case, it is important that we make sure that it is updated at all times.

upgrade router

Check the connected equipment

In addition to all the above points, we cannot forget how important it is to wear a Control the devices you have connected to the router. In this way, you can check on your own what devices there are and see if there is one that does not fit you at some point. Also, if there is a device with a vulnerability, they can connect it to the network, they can use it to put your connection and the router at risk.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.