Despite constant sanctions imposed by the US government, the Huawei continues to lead the patent market in 5G technology. The information was revealed by the ranking “Global 5G Standard-Essential Patents and Standard Proposal Research Report (2023)”.
According to the survey data, Huawei has remained at the top as the company has about 9000 registered patents for the fifth generation technology.
On the other hand, the American Qualcomm and the South Korean Samsung occupy the second and third place with 6,000 and 5,000 patents, respectively.
The top 10 patents are still composed of ZTE, LG, Nokia, Ericsson, OPPO and Xiaomi, and the advancement of Chinese companies in the sector is noticeable.
The number of effective global patents, within the top ten companies, represents more than 75% of patents in use.
When we take into account “effective patents” – those that are used in the real world – Huawei leads with 14.59% and is followed by Qualcomm with 10.04% and Samsung with 8.80%.
It is worth remembering that the 5G connection technology should soon be surpassed by 5.5G and even by 6G. So there’s a second race going on behind the scenes to see who gets to the sixth generation connection first.
Information made available in the past shows that Huawei has also managed to lead the 6G patent segment and this is an indication of the dispute that we will have until 2030.