How to remix your Reels on Instagram

The fact that Instagram is still one of the biggest social networks today is due to its many innovations. Of course, sometimes they take ideas from other applications, as happened with the stories after the failed purchase of Snapchat. The same thing happened with Instagram Reels, after trying to get hold of TikTok without success, Mark Zuckerberg’s company brought the Reels function to its application. And now a new update has arrived for this one, which promises to be a success, although it will not be unknown to many. If you’re familiar with TikTok and its many uses, you’ve probably already seen the Duo feature. Instagram welcomes Remix, which is essentially the same, and thanks to which you can interact with other users’ videos. In the event that you do not know what it is about, it is about taking the video of a user, so that then you can record yours right next to it. This is a fun and original way to interact with the content, and depending on the video, you can imitate the dance, answer questions and other options. And it is that the originality of the content creators will allow you to enjoy recording your videos together with theirs, or even those of your friends to obtain the best results. An example of the content that you can now interact with is acting videos, in which the first person begins by saying a few lines, and allows you to respond in order to create a unique and original dialogue. How to use Remix Reels on Instagram The steps to follow are very simple, so we leave them below so you can start creating your Remix Reels as soon as possible: Enter your Instagram and go to the Reels section. Select the Reel with the that you want to make your video.Once you have it, click on the three points of the videoNow select the option Create remix of the reelAll you have to do is start recording your video and share it when you like the result. This is how you can activate and deactivate the Remix Reels You should know that, as in TikTok, you will only be able to remix in the reels of content creators that allow it. Therefore, it is possible that you see a video that you like, but that you cannot use, because its creator has the function disabled. If in your case, you don’t want them to use Remix Reels in your videos either, we’ll show you the steps to do so. Enter Instagram and go to Settings Now click on Privacy and look for the Reels option You just have to deactivate it so that nobody can use your videos. Despite having disabled this feature, other users will still be able to see your Reels as normal. Of course, at the moment it can only be deactivated and activated for all videos, and not one or more in particular. >