HomeEntertainment“Honor Society”, the youth comedy that brings two Netflix stars back to...

“Honor Society”, the youth comedy that brings two Netflix stars back to the Paramount Plus+ screen

Recently Paramount Plus released the preview of Honor Society, a new young adult comedy film starring Angouri Rice (Stephanie Conway in The year of my graduation) Y Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin Henderson in stranger things). It is directed by the filmmaker oran zegman and written by David A. Goodman, Y its premiere is scheduled for September 16, 2022exclusively by the aforementioned platform streaming.

Honor Society recounts the life of Honor (Rice), “an ambitious high school senior whose only goal is to get into a college in the Ivy Leagueassuming you can first get the coveted recommendation from your guidance counselor, Mr. Calvin.”

Angourie Rice plays Honor in “Honor Society.” (Paramount Plus)

She, prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve her goal, cunningly creates a plan to defeat her three main student competitors, until everything takes an unexpected turn when she falls in love with her biggest rival, Michael (Matarazzo).

Honor is a pretty, intelligent, popular and very competitive girl, who does not accept any place other than the first, and for her high school “is about finishing it” and then going to the best university in the world. Therefore, the origin of her collusion was because Mr. Calvin told her that she was in the top 4 of the brightest students in her school.

Gaten Matarazzo is Michael, Honor
Gaten Matarazzo is Michael, Honor’s greatest opponent and the male lead in “Honor Society.” (Paramount Plus)

In Honor Society You will see how a teenager does the impossible because one of her most diligent classmates, whom she considers a nerd and who is also struggling to earn a scholarship, fails his exams. So, the naive, almost invisible to the girls and lonely boy falls into her net. As it did? Inviting him to study together.

From then on, they begin to live many moments together until everything gets out of control. So when Michael starts to get into his mind and heart, that becomes another obstacle to knock down; perhaps the most difficult, since he does not want to hurt him, so he will have to solve it in the best way and of course, without losing.

"Honor Society" is a youth comedy that premieres on July 29 in Latin America.  (Paramount Plus)
“Honor Society” is a youth comedy that premieres on July 29 in Latin America. (Paramount Plus)

the cast of Honor Society is completed by Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Miku Martineau, Avery Konrad, Armani Jackson, Kerry Butler, Kelcey Mawema, Andres Collantes Y Robyn Driscoll; among others.

Honor Society It is a youth story with which perhaps, at some point in your life as a high school student, you identified. In Latin America it opens on September 16 in Paramount Plus.


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