Google Meet has been increasingly expanding the simultaneous translation feature into several languages. So far, the video conferencing platform has provided live translations of calls from English to Japanese, Mandarin (Simplified) and Swedish. In the app it is also possible to translate audio in French, German, Portuguese and Spanish to English subtitles in real time.
The live translated subtitles tool started in beta last year, but was released to the general public in January of this year. In the beginning, it was possible to do real-time translations of audio from English into French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. But the company’s intention now is to add support for these languages ​​in reverse and, in addition, get live subtitles for anything the announcer says in english in many new languages🇧🇷
Additionally, Google Meet now supports standard subtitles in Japanese, Russian, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese and Mandarin (Traditional). The company notes that it is still optimizing the performance of some languages, which appear with the “Beta” tag.
The language update should arrive for all users later this week. You can check the news in the Subtitles section in the Meet Settings, both in the mobile app and in the web version. Live translation is available by default and has no administrative control.
Live translated captions in Google Meet are available for meetings hosted by users with a Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, or Teaching and Learning Upgrade edition. All participants in these meetings can access live translations. Default subtitles, in turn, are available to everyone.
Do you use any of these versions of Google Meet? Do you believe that the resource comes to help users? Leave your comment below!
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