Google Chrome 109 arrives with changes to cookie use, payment and more

Google Chrome 109 arrives with changes to cookie use, payment and more

O Chrome 109 arrived with it several other elements are being implemented in the browser of the Google🇧🇷 This time, the update is not just focused on fixing serious security flaws, as has happened recently. Now, the news refers to the use of cookies, details in the visual part and making payments in the browser.

The measure linked to cookies consists of an idea that will require related sites to be able to show Chrome that they belong to each other. In this way, they will share data with each other. To facilitate this process, a public repository will be opened on GitHub for sending the data.

The visual details, in turn, gained elements inspired by the Material You interface and Material Design 3🇧🇷 It is worth remembering that some of them were already available since version 108 of the browser. In addition, activation depends on the user accessing the flags and selecting the “chrome://flags/#omnibox-modernize-visual-update🇧🇷

As for payments, the browser update brought a new form of confirmation that uses the biometric sensor for user authentication, called SPC🇧🇷 That way, whenever you go to make a purchase, you can skip part of the process to complete the acquisition.

Something that needs to be highlighted in this regard is that the resource can only be used if both the store and the bank support the function. Therefore, it may take some time for the new feature to actually work for all users. Finally, Chrome 109 adds ways to improve privacy when sharing your screen.

The update to the new version is available for all operating systems that support the browser.

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