Google recently released a new update for Gmail adding the “Top results” section in the application, a feature that considerably improves the display of search data. With this novelty, the user finds “exactly what he is looking for much faster”, through the machine learning.
According to information from the developer, this feature is a complement to the various filters available on the platform, so the account owner can find important messages more easily. The update changelog explains that the tool uses “search term, latest emails and other relevant factors”.
As with all news released by Google, this one is also being progressively released to users and may take time to reach the entire community. The company did not reveal the availability of the ‘Top Results’ tab, so we still don’t know if it is restricted to the United States or if it has also arrived in other countries.
As stated in the Play Store in Europe, the last update released for Gmail took place last Thursday (1st), and it is possible that the new feature was included in the patch on the first day of June.
Check it out below:
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