Five essential apps to organize your trips this summer

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Now that summer is approaching, travel and its logistics, sometimes so tedious and heavy, it is convenient to know whate technology can lend us a hand with the preparations. There are hundreds of apps, free or paid, that will be of great help to organize a trip and save yourself the stress and hassle that preparations entail.

Each of these apps provides a different service that will help you with your vacation preparations

Here we present five different apps that can be very useful for you to prepare your trips and vacations this summer.

-Explorio: This is an app that is only available on the App Store. Esplorio presents itself as an “automatic travel diary”. The app collects the content that the user uploads to their social networks, registers the location of the mobile phone and uses the photos from the gallery to generate travel postcards. It is about generating a kind of digital memory of the vacation, which can then be shared with friends and family.

-Mydistrict: Through this app, locals from any corner can publish news and updates about what is happening there. In this app you can find information about the most unexpected places, which can help you when preparing your trip. Today, MydistriKt is active in 146 countries around the world.

-Eventurist: In this app you will find information about special events, guided tours and flight offers. It is a platform that collects unique offers and opportunities to obtain all kinds of services at a bargain price: from tickets to festivals to hotel nights.

-Prava: At the moment, only for users with an Android mobile. It is an app designed to organize group trips in which you have to coordinate many people and balance dates, payments and other issues. Prava includes a shared calendar, group chats, and a payment system linked to Venmo.

-myTSA: An app designed for those who are terrified of missing a flight. myTSA includes all the information you need to avoid getting lost at an airport and find your gate on time.