We have been demanding the possibility of being able to edit messages on WhatsApp for a long time, a function that has been available on Telegram for a long time, for which reason many users have asked the platform to add this function. Also, since June of last year we know that WhatsApp finally listened to user complaints and was working on this feature that will allow us to edit any message in the easiest way. Well, we bring good news, since the colleagues of WaBetaInfo, a portal specialized in filtering all kinds of information related to the instant messaging platform, have just confirmed that the possibility of editing messages on WhatsApp is closer than ever. WhatsApp will be updated so that you can edit any message As indicated in the aforementioned publication, they have been investigating the latest version of the WhatsApp beta for iOS, corresponding to version of the platform. And this version will bring the possibility of editing messages in the most comfortable way. It should be remembered that the guys from WaBetaInfo have used TestFlight, a platform that allows them to access WhatsApp features that are not really available to users. This means that, although we can confirm the existence of this new function, and the fact that it is hidden in the latest version of WhatsApp beta for iOS, it is currently not available to any user. In this way, the new function to edit messages in WhatsApp is in the process of development, but it means that it will arrive very soon, surely first to iOS users, and later to Android users. Regarding the functionality of this new tool, it is not a mystery. Mainly, you will be able to edit any message that you have published within a period of 15 minutes. If you edit a message, a message will appear in it so that your interlocutor, or other people if it is in a group on the platform, know that you have edited a WhatsApp message. To edit any message, it will be exactly the same as to delete it: you just have to click on it and you will see that the option to edit appears. When will this function that will allow us to edit WhatsApp messages arrive comfortably and easily? At the moment we have no information about it, but everything indicates that in the coming weeks they could enable the message editing tool on the instant messaging platform. >
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