Development environment: PhpStorm, GoLand and PyCharm reach version 2022.2

development environment phpstorm goland and pycharm reach version 20222.jpg
development environment phpstorm goland and pycharm reach version 20222.jpg

PhpStorm can now be used with Rector, a tool for automatically updating PHP code. PyCharm brings support for Python 3.11, GoLand for Go 1.19.

The software company JetBrains has released its PHP development environment PhpStorm with the second major release of the year. Version 2022.2 brings a connection to the open source tools Rector and Mockery and should be able to handle generics and enums better. GoLand and PyCharm have also been released in version 2022.22.

PhpStorm 2022.2 brings built-in support for Rector, an open-source tool for automatically updating and refactoring PHP code. To use it in PhpStorm, developers must first install and configure it. A new run configuration can then be created specifically for Rector. PhpStorm does this automatically after right-clicking on the relevant folder and selecting runs | Rector.


In addition, Rector can be run directly from the rector.php configuration file after clicking on the corresponding Gutter icon. Gutter icons are found on the left side of JetBrains IDEs and are used to perform selected functions. After Rector has performed a scan, the tool suggests changes that users can choose to accept.

PhpStorm 2022.2 also extends its connection to Mockery, a mocking framework for unit testing in PHP. Among other things, an auto-completion for mocked objects is now available. This affects both the methods and properties of the objects as well as the functions that Mockery offers through its mock objects.

Like every major release of PhpStorm, version 2022.2 also has new inspections on board. For example, now several isset-Views summarized in one and in one complete file with one click <?php echo …; ?> and <?= exchange against each other. Meanwhile, the debugger is given the function of displaying the contents of an array in the variable window.

For projects that rely on PHP 8.1 or higher, PhpStorm offers the possibility to use enums using CreateClass-Create dialogue. JetBrains also continues the work on Generics started with PhpStorm 2021.2 and in this release adds the possibility to use the int<min, max>-type deal. This allows the minimum and maximum values ​​of an integer to be defined in order to fine-tune what should flow into a variable.

The JetBrains blog examines these and all other innovations in detail.

In version 2022.2, the JetBrains IDE GoLand for the Go programming language introduces innovations for generics, among other things. These include a new inspection that shows unused type parameters and throwing an error when developers try to use a type parameter as a constraint. In addition, fuzz tests can now be run from GoLand.

GoLand also has innovations to offer for version Go 1.19, which is due out in August 2022, including how to handle fmt.Appendf and the new build tag unix. In addition, GoLand’s HTTP client now offers WebSocket connections and extended support for Vue 3.

All further information about GoLand 2022.2 can be found on the JetBrains blog.

Also newly released is PyCharm 2022.2. The Python-centric development environment is available in community or professional editions and includes support for Anaconda and packages for scientific computing such as matplotlib and NumPy. PyCharm can also be used with other programming languages ​​such as JavaScript or TypeScript.

The new release adds language features to the next major release, Python 3.11, which is currently in beta status. This includes code insights for the new standard exception type proposed in Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 654 Exception Group and the associated new syntax except* to deal with Exception Groups. The current language version Python 3.10 was released in autumn 2021 and is to receive its successor in October 2022.

For more information on PyCharm 2022.2, see the JetBrains What’s New page.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.