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Content at Scale, another app that claims to create content for your blog automatically

Creating quality content is one of the main keys to getting a good search engine ranking.

To do this, you must take into account a set of strategies and standards known as SEO, which will help to enhance the visibility of that content in search results, although this must also be complemented with other actions that contribute to achieving said objective.

For the purposes of this post, we will focus on the content, which is prepared by someone specially designated for this task or by the person who manages the website, following a specific structure based on the topic that has been chosen to develop.

The resulting content should be presented in a way that attracts the reader’s interest and responds to their search intent.

However, there is a tool called Content at Scale which claims to be able to perform this action automatically thanks to having incorporated a patented system made up of three engines artificial intelligence Y two natural language processing algorithms. Techniques that, sooner or later, Google will detect and penalize appropriately.

How Content at Scale works

only required supply the application with the target keyword and let her do her job evaluating the most appropriate content for her and then generate the complete draft.

So with Content at Scale you will get a organic content in which they may be included personal stories, smooth transitions and other literary resources that help maintain the reader’s interest, always within the limits of automatic content, of course.

It is important that once the content is generated there is a review process, using it only as a base, as a structure for something created by hand, since it is the only recipe for success in this sector of the Internet.

The app is designed to recommend the number of words, as well as the titles. Added to this, the Content at Scale system performs a scan of the content as it is generated. In case of finding that any of the paragraphs coincides with that of other content published on the internet, the app proceeds to rewrite it; all this before completing the post.

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