If you liked Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot, and amazed you with his prowess, now you’ll see what he’s capable of thanks to ChatGPT.
Yes, ChatGPT also in robots. And what is achieved in the robot dog is more than amazing. We tell you the details.
ChatGPT integrated in robots
We’ve already seen Spot, the Boston Dynamics robot dog, perform dozens of feats and curiosities in the past. And now he goes a little further, thanks to ChatGPT.
As you comment santiago valdarrama, an engineer from Levatas, have integrated ChatGPT into their robots and have used Google’s Text-to-Speech technology so that they can interpret the questions and answer them.
What is the goal of this new experiment? Beyond making the robot dog much more adorable, this dynamic that the engineers have implemented manages to solve a recurring problem in the use of these robots:
These robots run automated missions every day. Every mission uses miles-long, hard-to-understand configuration files. Only technicians can handle them. At the end of each mission, the robots capture a ton of data. There is no easy way to query everything on demand.
Spot uses ChatGPT for response and Google AI to talk
With this new dynamic, this magnitude of information is not a problem, and any of the engineers can obtain satisfactory answers about the results of the missions, both current and past:
That’s where ChatGPT comes in. We show you the configuration files and the results of the mission. Then we ask questions using that context. Combine that with a voice-enabled interface, and we have an amazing way to query our data!
That is, the robot is asked a question about the missions, ChatGPT interprets the request and processes the information to give an answer in real time. Just like when we write in the OpenAI chat, but instead of a written response, we have a robot answering our questions thanks to Google’s Text-to-Speech artificial intelligence.
Of course, in this case, about the missions that the robots perform on a daily basis. If you want to see how this process occurs in real time, you can take a look at the video he shares santiago valdarramto in his tweet.
The engineers ask the questions, and the little robot dog answers. And pay attention to the video, you will see that he also makes gestures with his responses. For some it is adorable, and for others, creepy.
Although it is surprising to see this dynamic in action, we already know that the integration of ChatGPT in robotics was planned from the beginning as a logical evolution.