Avast is the new owner of I don’t care about cookies, an extension for web browsers that you may not know about, or maybe you do, because it has millions of users around the world. For a simple reason: it is a balm on this rotten Internet of… cookies, of course.
The developer of I don’t care about cookies has been working on the extension for almost a decade, although when it really came into its own, it was when the European Union put us down with that stupid cookie acceptance policy. cookies derived from the GDPR, which makes us waste time miserably, or blindly accept the policies of cookies of every page we visit. This sounds like you, right?
Well, I don’t care about cookies just get rid of all these unnecessary warnings, whose main effect in practice is to annoy the long-suffering navigator. You installed I don’t care about cookies in Firefox, Chrome or Chromium derivatives and goodbye warnings! cookies! The feeling of sailing with this extension in recent years was one of agility.
That I don’t care about cookies is so good that Vivaldi included the filters it provides in its own, making it the only browser that doesn’t require its specific installation, since it comes as standard (you have to activate it manually, but do not install it).
The only thing that has never been clear about I don’t care about cookies is whether, by ignoring the corresponding warnings, all cookies were allowed. cookies, none or only the essentials. You are supposed to be a default behavior, so it will depend on the configuration of each site and most try to abuse by loading the user with as many cookies as possible; however, with a good browser configuration, for example blocking by default the cookies from third parties, plus the appropriate protection extensions, solve the ballot to a greater extent.
Does this damn nightmare ring a bell? That’s what I don’t care about cookies is for
The point is, as the developer of I don’t care about cookies published a few days ago, that the extension is now «part of the avast family«. Avast, yes, the security firm, developer of one of the best and most well-known antiviruses on the market. And, in principle, that’s all. As the developer explains in a brief statement, he will continue to be in charge of the extension and it will continue to be free for everyone.
What has Avast paid any money for an extension that is open source (a few have already come out forks), is not explained, although what Avast is paying for is not for the code, but for the work of its developer and for ownership of the name. On the other hand, that the developer of I don’t care about cookies speaks of the Czech company in terms of “reliable”… It can be allowed, but it is screeching, given the impeccable track record of I don’t care about cookies.
From Avast it is worth remembering how he bought Ccleaner and filled it with advertising, although he later rectified it; how he collected the data of his users to sell them to the highest bidder, although more trade also rectified… From examples like this comes what of if the product is free, you are the product. Of course, later you see who bought that data and…
Anyway. That will have to wait expectantly, to see what happens with I don’t care about cookies, if it stays the same or fails under the influence of Avast. In the meantime, yes, you can continue installing the extension in Firefox and in Chromium and derivatives (Brave, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera… Not in Vivaldi: look in the “Privacy and security> Blocking of trackers and ads> Manage sources and activate the filters).