At what temperature should I put the heating to save on the bill?


Heating saving temperature

With the current energy crisis, coupled with skyrocketing prices, a winter is approaching in which all energy savings seem to be little. To try to get ahead, now that it seems that bad weather is finally here, we are going to look at what is necessary to try to save on your heating bill without us having to be uncomfortable at home either.

In the following lines we are not only going to tell you what the ideal temperature between saving and comfortbut another series of recommendations regarding radiators that could make you save simply by changing a few small habits.

Best temperature to save without losing comfort

The advice given by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) is, first of all, to adjust the heating switch-on to the actual hours of occupation of the dwellings and turn it off at night, since when you are lying down and wrapped up, heating is not necessary and with 15-17 degrees Celsius it is enough to sleep comfortably. If your house is poorly insulated and loses a lot of heat at night, you could leave it on at night with the thermostat at 15-17ºC. As a rule, turning it off at night and turning it on for a few minutes when you wake up is much more efficient than leaving it on all night.

For daytime situations, whenever possible it is recommended set the thermostat to about 21ºC and wear warm clothes to be at home, lower the blinds at night so that the heat does not escape and draw the curtains to avoid the cold from the windows, which is what is technically called a cold wall. Last August, due to the gas crisis, the Government imposed the limitation of the thermostat at 19 degrees, but only in public spaces (if heating is used). The rule does not apply to homes, but it is a recommendation.

It must be taken into account that, for each degree of temperature that increases in a building or home, energy consumption increases by 7%as well as spending on heating and CO2 emissions.

Heating is saved by turning off the radiators

Another way to save on your heating bill is turn off the radiators in the rooms you’re not in. If you are at home with the heating on, you can turn off the radiators in other places such as the bathroom, hallway or kitchen where you are not often. To avoid wasting, lock the key of the rooms that you do not use and thus you will not increase your spending unnecessarily.

In addition, other advice regarding what to do with radiators to save money is, for example, do not cover them with a piece of furniture too close or put wet clothes on top so that it dries faster. It is not recommended if you want to save on heating. The energy needed by the radiator to heat the room will be greater, so consumption and bills will also rise.

Finally, it extracts the air from the radiators, since bleed or remove air from radiators it is necessary at least once a year, every time winter begins. If small air bubbles accumulate, they prevent the passage of heat and, therefore, cause the radiators not to heat with all the necessary power, so you would be wasting.