Apple is preparing to launch its first Apple Watch Ultra equipped with microLED displays, but it will be necessary to wait still some time before being able to see it on the market. The first rumors suggested that this could happen as early as 2024, but a recent intervention by the analyst Ross Young has changed the cards on the table, pushing the date of the possible update to 2025.
Today we return to talk about the issue because of a new report published by Young himself in the last hours, which reiterates the previously announced date. In particular, the analyst’s tweet cites data published by one of Apple’s microLED panel suppliers, Osram, which explicitly states that in fiscal year 2025 will also begin to publish financial data relating to revenues deriving from the sale of microLED displaysalso anticipating that the company expects to generate substantial revenue from this division during 2025.
The report goes on to emphasize Osram’s market leading role and the enormous interest of its customer (Apple) towards this technology, so the future could be particularly rosy for the supplier.
Young doesn’t add details about the display size of the Apple Watch Ultra with microLED panel, but previous leaks suggest that the screen diagonal should grow to 2.1″against the 1.92″ of the current model. The microLED technology, we recall, allows access to all the best benefits of the OLED one – such as high contrasts and perfect blacks -, without however compromising on aspects such as the duration of the panel, maximum brightness, viewing angle, power consumption and support for high refresh rates.
Unlike miniLEDs, which use a zone backlighting system (mainly responsible for the accentuated blooming), the microLED panels use microscopic LEDs that make up the individual pixels and this allows them to be illuminated individually, as happens on OLED panels. Apple will focus strongly on microLED technology, as it will be the most important point of arrival in the coming years as regards the display sector. The miniLED approach has not given the desired results and therefore the transition for all Apple products – including the Watch – will take place via the OLED.