Apple currently has an announcement date for the Apple Watch Series 8 during the iPhone event on September 14. So far, the user VNchocoTaco or better known as ShrimpApplePro, has indicated some details about what they have told him about the Series 8. Among the features, some special colors for the model are discussed, as well as the production schedule, among other things.
Apple Watch Series 8: new face, other colors and more
Apple Watch Series 8, it is known that…
At the moment, there is already a good couple of data about the Apple Watch Series 8 since Bloomberg has released them. The data shows only very few differences between the last generation and the Series 8, although Apple does not waste time and will have the “Pro” version available that will be the protagonist of the gala. shrimphowever it does not really have information on that version, although it does collect some past reports.
The colors for the Series 8
According to the information shared by said user, it defines some characteristics of what the 8 series model will be like:
- As was the case with the Apple Watch Series 7 design, the next generation will also have 41mm and 45mm.
- Aluminum material will have colors like starlight, midnight, silver and product red.
- For stainless steel material will have silver, graphite and gold colors.
- Apparently for this version, there will be no Series 8 in titanium.
In the event that the information shared by the user is true, it means that the green and blue color would not fit the model, at least while the company takes the time to return to silver aluminum. An issue that is not so incoherent either, since the starlight color also coexists with the silver color on the MacBook Air. In addition, the starlight color can be considered as a combination of the colors silver and gold. It should be noted that the company received some complaints in the 7 series for not having a neutral color.
Dates per release
Shrimp shared that the model calendar has mass production planned to start during August. Following the dates, the first announcement will be made during the middle of September, so it will only take a couple of weeks for Apple to launch the Apple Watch Series 8 for sale.
Not everything could be totally good, as ShrimApplePro has not given any indication of the sources about the Apple Watch, so some data may or may not be real. Apart from the fact that he did not share any other relevant data on the subject. On the other hand, Bloomberg declares that the robust version of the Apple Watch is also being prepared with a titanium case and an improved screen in dimensions. Although the launch is not entirely clear, there is nothing left but to trust that the schedule will continue.
More details of the Apple Watch Series 8
There are some extra details that were released yesterday. They also mention that the device case for the Apple Watch Series 8 will be much better adhered thanks to a “stronger glue”, speaking clearly compared to the last generation.
Clearly, the company has in mind better adaptations for the material of the device, keeping in mind that better durability is required. So finally, among the last details that remain to be said about the 8 series is the probable new face for the watch. Nor would it be too much of a surprise for customers, as this is usually common.
The other issue to report would be the lack of an Edition model made of titanium in the standard version. It’s no surprise though, as the materials are high enough to mass-market the device in 2022. Between these details and the lack of blue and green colors, there may be divided opinions.