In the past few hours the colleagues of MacRumors they shared on the net first, alleged images of Apple’s virtual / augmented reality headset… Or at least some part of it. The photos come, says the US newspaper, from an unspecified “protected Twitter account” with a good reputation regarding advances on Apple.
The first picture looks like a pair of flat cables shaped in such a way as to surround a person’s eyes; they may be responsible for communicating between the headset display and the main logic board. In the second image, however, three sensors seem to be connected by another flat cable, more or less of the same length.
It’s definitely not much, but as we said it’s the very first tangible photo of something connected directly to the viewer (of course, always everything with the conditional and due caution). Overall the wait could still be quite long: it is assumed that the viewer will be presented around the month of Juneduring this year’s WWDC, but that the actual launch on the market will take place a few months later – who knows, perhaps in conjunction with the new generation iPhone.
Just in the last few hours, rumors have emerged according to which Tim Cook would have lobbied to meet these deadlines, despite some subordinates and the developers of the viewer themselves having expressed perplexity. Apparently at least someone on the team believes that in fact the product is not quite ready yet and that need more time to finish it properly. However, Cook’s position is understandable, in a certain sense: the viewer has already been postponed and postponed several times – just think that the first launch forecasts were for 2020!