A apple announced this Tuesday (14) a new feature for its official store. It is the customer’s option to make a video call with a brand specialist when buying an iPhone directly through the Apple platform.
According to the company, initially, this option will only be available to customers in the United States, but it may be expanded to other locations in the future. The feature operates from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Pacific Time each day.
With this new service from Apple, customers can learn more details about the latest iPhone models and features, as well as instructions on app switching to iOS, trade-in offers, carrier conditions and financing options.
To chat with one expert from Apple, just go to the “iPhone Shop” page“ on Apple’s official website, select the option to ask an iPhone expert and choose to make a video call with the professional.
Still according to Apple, the virtual session is unidirectional, that is, the Apple retail employee will be on camera sharing their screen, but will not be able to see the customer. The company promised that this video option is “safe and secure”.
It’s worth remembering that Apple’s online store continues to allow customers to connect with an expert over the phone, virtual chat or in an American Sign Language session, in addition to the video option that has now been added.
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