It seems that Apple has plans to Major renewal for AirPods, its most iconic and best-selling headphones. It has been known that for the next year or at most in a couple, the company is going to include a new option in these accessories that has been speculated for a long time that it would be a reality and, therefore, that it is quite expected. We tell you what it is about.
According to the data that have been known, the design change is in the final phase that would allow the inclusion of elements that would be important for the interior of these helmets. recognize physical activity and also to encourage the use of AirPods by those who have hearing difficulties. Two very positive possibilities that will take the product we are talking about to another level compared to the competition.
What can be done with AirPods
On the one hand, and thanks to the inclusion of additional sensors to those that currently exist within the cases, it will be possible to check some details of the physical state of the user in real time (such as heart rate or knowing if you are doing physical activity). In this way, it would be possible to do without the Apple Watch to know details that are important when it comes to monitoring the workouts that are carried out. A good advance that has long been expected to be part of this product from the Cupertino company.
On the other hand, and this is newer, technologies could be used, supported by existing ones, such as Live Listen and Conversation Boost, to detect user hearing data. In this way, he could simulate the puckering of the headphones, but without completely replacing them, as is logical to think. Therefore, AirPods would become an excellent use option for those who have this type of problem who cannot use earpod-type headphones right now.
No specific date for arrival
It is not certain when Apple headphones would offer these functions, but I eat very late the source of the information that would arrive is noted in the year 2025 (although the supplies, theoretically, would have already been ordered). Therefore, it seems that Apple has a good option to advance the AirPods so that they continue to be completely different in a market that, it must be said, is quite complicated.