Apple Music appears to be experiencing issues that raise privacy concerns for users. According to several complaints published since February on Reddit, the music and music video streaming platform is viewing playlists from other people in the library guys of the listeners.
Subscribers to the service report that playlists created by other users are appearing inappropriately in their own libraries, which could raise questions about the security and privacy of the app, since playlists can be configured as private — that is, hidden from search. and user profile.
In some cases, playlists created by third parties have been merged with user-created playlists. There are also reports of playlists “disappearing” or being replaced by unknown ones.
The user adh1003 from Reddit speculates that the issues could be caused by a bug in Apple Music’s own servers, and as simple as it seems to remove an odd playlist from the library, there are concerns about the privacy of subscribers, as the bug could just be an indication of major problems in Apple’s cloud.
“It’s really surprising that data leakage between user accounts isn’t being treated as an immediate issue,” said the user, who gathered complaints from several other subscribers posted on Reddit.
Other users believe hackers may have intercepted users’ authentication token when trying to access third-party services — such as MusicHarbor — and stolen their accounts. It is also worth remembering that Apple recently introduced a preview of the official Apple Music app for Windows.
“My guess is that perhaps one of the third-party services was leaked and your account access token may have been used,” said the user. AzymuthJazz. It is worth noting that access tokens issued by the service do not have an expiration time specified by Apple, but can last for several minutes before expiring.
One of the users told the site MacRumors this Wednesday (22) that a similar case occurred during his experience with Spotify, which could be a great indication that the account was invaded by a malicious agent.
Apple has not commented on the matter, which leaves users without many options, but the recommendation is that service subscribers who have faced the bug or security breach, as a precaution, change their Apple ID password.
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