Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak New MeWe Advisory Board Member

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In addition to the main social media platforms, there are many other options that we can be part of, among which is MeWe, which we have already talked about on more than one occasion, although now it is news since it is expanding its advisory board to include, among others, Steve Wozniak, known by the most technology enthusiasts mainly for being the co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs.

In addition, Divya Narendra, founder of Harvard Connection, precursor of what we know today as Facebook, also joins the advisory board. They join other personalities present at MeWe, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, known as the father of the Internet.

Steve Wozniak, as a new member of the advisory board of MeWe, points out that:

Social media as we know it has decimated our fundamental human right to privacy. MeWe is doing things differently. MeWe is built on full transparency and does not steal people’s data for its own benefit. We must change the business model to create a healthier environment for social media and MeWe is leading the way

But the vision of Divya Narendra, a new member of the advisory board of MeWe, is also interesting to consider:

As someone who was around in the early days of social media, I believe in the need for a new alternative to the mainstream established platforms. MeWe aims to be both attractive to members of its community and respectful of individual privacy rights and freedom of expression.

MeWe, under the mandate of Jeffrey Edell, aims to be the benchmark for a social network focused on privacy, a social network that currently has about 20 million active users, and that was launched in 2016, being available in about 20 different languages.

New feature for all users

From MeWe we are also notified of the arrival of a new feature called MeWe Discover, a free function by which users will have an additional feed focused on the news on the topics that we have selected.

Owners and administrators of groups can enable them so that the publications made in them can appear in Discover, serving as an additional way of discovering groups that allows their growth.

More information: Press release

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.