AMD launched the Ryzen 7000 processors yesterday in Europe and today it is already releasing version 22.9.2 of AMD Radeon Software in an optional version with support for the new chips. Additionally, the update also brings support for more games and may include fixes for issues faced with the previous version.
According to the list of changes released by AMD, the new version of Radeon Software brings support for Grounded, which is being released in early access on Steam and Xbox Game Preview, so it is recommended that you update as soon as possible if you want to play the game now. .
The new version is available for both Windows 10 and Windows 11, so just look for the update in AMD Radeon Software on your computer by selecting “Recommended + Optional” under Settings > System > Preferred Software Version.
You can also download the update from the link below on the official AMD website.
- AMD Radeon Software 22.9.2 – Download
While AMD doesn’t detail what fixes this version has, we expect it to fix the Enhanced Sync bug that was caused with the release of version 22.9.1.