Amazon Drive will be phased out in January 2024

Amazon Drive will be phased out in January 2024
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Amazon Drive will be removed

The company has announced that its platform “Amazon Drive” will be out of circulation from the year 2024, so its Prime service users will be able to use the cloud storage system until December 31, 2023, after this date they will no longer have access to their files.

Although this platform is not well known in Latin America, is one more storage service for images, videos and other types of files exclusively for Amazon customers which grants 5 GB of capacity in conjunction with Amazon Photos.

According to what the company itself has reported, They decided to remove this platform from their service package because it has become very obsolete. so they will give their users a deadline to withdraw the stored files until New Year’s Eve 2023, from then on, no one else will have access to this cloud again.

So as already mentioned, the closure of this platform will be carried out graduallyIn fact, this is what the American company reports on its FAQ blog, where they also express that they have preferred to focus their efforts on Amazon Photos.

And although users will be able to keep their files until the aforementioned date of December 31, 2023, from January 31 of next year they will no longer be able to store more content in the cloud service, in addition From October 31 of this year (2022), the platform will be downloaded from the Android and iOS app stores.

With this, it is emphasized that users of this cloud storage service will be able to continue accessing, viewing and downloading their files until December 31, 2023, from then on Amazon Drive will be closed and some files will be lost, but the photos and videos will continue to be stored in Amazon Photos and will continue to be accessible after the aforementioned date.

Finally, the company has declared that it will be sending its users reminders about the elimination of this platform and the dates announced for this, it will also be warning them about possible new alternatives.

Another important news related to the great technology companies of Silicon Valley is the postponement of the elimination of third-party cookies in Google, since it seems that marketing companies have not yet finished adapting to new technologies.

It had already been postponed in the year 2021, when the elimination of third-party cookies was supposed to become a reality by the beginning of this year, however, the date has been moved back two more years.

With this, the world’s big advertisers and marketing companies will have some more time to finish adapting to what will be the new strategies for generating advertising content on the web.

Google has been developing and implementing different updates to protect the privacy and integrity of Internet users, which meant that companies do not finish adapting to these new data protection trends, requiring additional time.

“The most consistent feedback we’ve received is the need for more time to evaluate and test new Privacy Sandbox technologies before deprecating third-party cookies in Chrome,” said Anthony Chavez, VP of Privacy Sandbox at Google in a post on the company blog.

“As developers adopt these APIs, we now intend to begin phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome in the second half of 2024,” he stated.

Cookies are small pieces of code that websites send to a visitor’s browser and are kept while the person visits other sites. The practice has fueled much of the digital advertising ecosystem and its ability to track users across multiple sites to target ads.

To the above is added that in the Google blog post, Chaves explained that the company is also expanding the testing possibilities for the Privacy Sandbox APIs, which is a plan put into operation in 2019 to find alternatives to cookies and reduce impact among merchants.

Even last year, after advertisers raised concerns about the changes, Google said it was “extremely confident” in third-party alternatives.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.