A wireless energy transfer network, the new from DARPA

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In the year 1901, the famous inventor Nikola Tesla talked about the possibility of transmitting electrical energy wirelessly. Nearly a century later, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working on the POWER (Persistent Optical Wireless Energy Relay) project, which could make Tesla’s dream come true.

A revolutionary project

transmit energy

DARPA is working on the development of a wireless power transfer network to provide virtually uninterrupted power supplies to US military bases around the world. This project could reduce dependence on liquid fuels such as diesel and reduce the vulnerability of power lines, which can be intercepted or sabotaged by enemy forces.

As Colonel Paul Calhoun explained in an exclusive interview with Popular Mechanics, the need for more resilient methods of transporting energy in military operations has increased. The colonel points out that US forces operate around the world and use equipment that consumes a lot of energy, such as radar, microwave weapons against drones and lasers, which makes the need for energy ever greater.

Advanced technology

The technology behind the POWER project is based on the use of lasers to transfer electrical energy. Colonel Calhoun explains that POWER is an optical power program that uses laser wave propagation to provide high performance over long distances. The relays redirect laser energy without the need for conversion, and the end user converts that laser energy into electricity using narrowband monochrome photovoltaics.

Colonel Calhoun also notes that significant advances have been made in high-energy lasers, wavefront detection, adaptive optics, high-altitude power platforms, safety interlocks, and high-efficiency photovoltaics. In addition, DARPA is exploring other potential energy transfer modalities, such as microwaves, in future programs.

reliable relays

Another key piece of the POWER project is the use of reliable relays. Colonel Calhoun notes that by taking advantage of technological advances, DARPA has the opportunity to revolutionize power distribution by developing effective relays. Relays in the form of long-lived drones and satellites will play a crucial role in the future. These drones will transmit laser energy over long distances before delivering it to a US military base. Similarly, satellites will perform the same mission in space.

According to Colonel Calhoun, POWER is developing stratospheric platforms with small apertures of approximately 100 kilometers between nodes. With larger apertures and a more benign environment, such as space, distances between nodes of up to 1,000 kilometers are reasonable. This would result in a globally scalable power distribution network.

Commercial and environmental applications

Once the feasibility of the POWER project has been demonstrated, DARPA will turn it over to other government organizations for actual implementation. In addition to its use in military operations, there are clear applications for POWER in the commercial sector. For example, it could power remote communities, research facilities, and other hard-to-reach places. The energy could come from renewable sources, making it environmentally friendly and widely available.

The POWER project represents a breakthrough in wireless power transfer technology. Its success could decrease dependence on liquid fuels and reduce the vulnerability of power lines, which would have a significant impact on national security. On the other hand, its implementation in commercial and environmental applications could provide solutions to energy problems in remote and hard-to-reach areas.

You have more information on the DARPA website

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.