Study: Video games do not affect well-being

No negative effect: A recent study shows that the time invested in video games hardly affects the well-being of gamers.
Time spent playing video games has neither positive nor negative effects on gamer well-being. That suggests a recent study by a team of researchers from the University of Oxford, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science.
For the study, almost 40,000 volunteers were examined over a period of six weeks. The titles “Animal Crossing: New Horizons”, “Apex Legends”, “Eve Online”, “Forza Horizon 4”, “Gran Turismo Sport” “Outriders” and “The Crew 2” were played. Their publishers agreed to take part in the study and provided the researchers with information about the gaming behavior of the study participants. Accordingly, the scientists were not dependent on the information provided by the players themselves for their evaluations.
Subjectively not noticeable
Participants in the study were asked about their well-being several times. The researchers found no relevant connection between playing time and the reported well-being of the subjects. “The effects of gaming are negligible because they are unlikely to be noticed subjectively,” the researchers write.
If the participants increased their playing time, this was not reflected in their well-being. The research team was also unable to determine a reverse connection: the well-being of the players had no relevant influence on their playing time.
The researchers, on the other hand, consider the motivation to play to be important: players were happier when they played a game of their own accord. Conversely, when they felt pressured or pushed to play, gamers’ reported well-being was lower. However, these effects were also small.
For further studies, the quality of the gaming experience must be examined more closely and different types of players must be analyzed, the researchers write. They currently see no reason for legislators to reduce the playing time. This is happening in China, for example, where young people are only allowed to play online games for three hours a week.