The process of appeal against possible content copyright infringement on YouTube has just been drastically lowered from 30 to just 7 days. An improvement for those content creators embarked on a claim that may have implications that affect the monetization of content and the operation of the channels.
By reducing the term to appeal against the claim from 30 to 7 days, there is a reduction in the total time for resolving the dispute
YouTube has announced this modification that includes two ways in the content appeal process. First of all that important reduction of the existing term to present the answer to a claim, which goes from the previous 30 days to only 7 days. A reduction in the term that would already mean an acceleration of the process that allows disputes to be resolved when a user claims against another that they have published a video that they consider infringes their intellectual property rights over the content displayed. From now on the defendant would only have 7 days to appeal against the claim.
For their part, the claimants do continue to have a period of 30 days to initiate their claim, and only if an appeal is filed against said claim would this period recently reduced from 30 to only 7 days be activated.
On the other hand, on YouTube they have created a new procedure called “Elevate to appeal”, an option to block multiple claims that allows certain content creators to appeal the possibility of bypassing an initial copyright claim and proceed directly to the actual appeal stage. Again, a way to streamline the process and reduce its duration.
From YouTube they explain that through this power to promote a quick move to the next stage of the procedure, it is intended to minimize the detrimental effects for the monetization of the contents derived from processes that are extended over time. In this way, shorter periods are achieved in which to obtain a response, so videos are locked for a shorter period of time.
Copyright claims are frequent on different platforms for disseminating content, and even in the case of YouTube, the behavior of extortionists who take advantage of the copyright regulations themselves has been detected.