Six rescues in one day in Bray sparks call for enforcement of swimming ban

A TD has called for the enforcement of a swimming ban along a popular stretch of the Bray seafront after six people were rescued by life guards in one day.
Sinn Fein’s John Brady said the first hand accounts from Tuesday were like “something out of a Hollywood movie”.
After saving one person and bringing them back to shore, one lifeguard had to run out to the water immediately to save another person who had gotten into difficulty.
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Mr Brady said on Wednesday: “I want to firstly pay tribute to the incredible courage and bravery of the three young people who courageously carried out a series of rescues at the North End of Bray Seafront.
“Eyewitness accounts paint a picture of something out of a Hollywood movie, where a young lifeguard rescued a swimmer, pulled them to shore and is administering aid, when they are forced to immediately go back into the water to go to the assistance of another swimmer who had got into difficulty.
The dangerous stretch of Bray beach on the North End of the Seafront has a rip tide after a stone breakwater was out in a number of years ago, the Wicklow TD said.
“All of the incidents occurred at the North End of Bray Seafront, in an area where a stone breakwater was put in place a number of years ago, which has contributed to the creation of a dangerous rip current.
“The Council have erected signage in the area, warning people not to swim, but these warnings are not being adhered to.
“Action needs to be taken to enforce the no swim rule along that area of Bray Seafront before there is a fatality.
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He added: “I appeal to people to heed the warnings and not to swim in the area. Not only are they putting their own safety at risk, but they are also putting the safety of others at risk.
“The fact that six rescues had to be carried out yesterday by lifeguards speaks volumes of the dangers involved. In the last month alone, that stretch of Bray Seafront has witnessed more rescues by lifeguards than the whole season last year on all Wicklow’s beaches.
Mr Brady paid tribute to the brave lifeguards. He said: “I want to pay tribute to the courage and commitment of the three lifeguards on duty yesterday, who carried out the six rescues, Shanley Clancy Molloy, Fionn Clancy Molloy and Lucy Greene.
“They showed incredible courage and bravery in carrying out their duties.”