99Pay receives function that allows payment of bank slips in up to 12 installments

99Pay receives function that allows payment of bank slips in up to 12 installments

THE 99Paythe financial services arm of the 99 mobility application, announced the arrival of the function that allows pay bills in installments up to 12 installments🇧🇷 The novelty of the digital wallet is being gradually made available to users.

According to the platform, one is charged 3.99% fee for credit card transactionsplus a variable percentage according to the volume of installments chosen, all clearly presented to the user when choosing the option.

The rules for paying the bill in installments follow the same policies as for payments that are not made in installments, with a monthly limit of up to BRL 10,000 per month and BRL 5,000 per bill, for users who have completed their entire registration at 99Pay.

Also according to 99Pay, the digital wallet allows the payment of any type of bill in installments, offering the option for financing, water, electricity, telephone, condominium, miscellaneous purchases, college, among other variations.

The app also highlighted the free distribution of a financial education course developed in partnership with edtech Barkus, aimed especially at classes C and D. Distribution is done via geolocation in the 99 app in São Paulo and Porto Alegre.

Conducted by WhatsApp, the course is taught by Iara, who is Barkus’ artificial intelligence and who explains, through messages, images and videos, everything about financial organization, intelligent use of credit, investments and cryptocurrencies.

How to pay slips in installments

To pay the bill in installments through 99Pay, the user needs to use a credit card. See the step by step:

  1. Access the 99Pay tab and click on “Pagar boleto”;
  2. Choose between scanning or typing the barcode;
  3. With the complete identification of the billet, select the credit card as a means of payment to pay in installments. Then, select the number of installments;
  4. After choosing the installments, just click Pay in installments and enter the password to finish.

Check out the screenshots below:

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