5 mistakes when configuring your WiFi router

5 mistakes when configuring your wifi router
5 mistakes when configuring your wifi router

Wi-Fi router configuration errors

Today it is difficult to imagine ourselves without being connected to the Internet and enjoying all the possibilities it offers us. Fortunately, the way in which we make this connection to the network has evolved compared to how it was years ago, since we used to depend on an Ethernet cable direct to the router. In any case, this router for our WiFi can give errors, and they frequently occur with bad settings in the same. We see why.

The problem is with your router

Although you’ve probably never made a mistake while making these configurations, advances in home networking equipment (or small businesses with new configurations, wireless standards, and so on) have also introduced some new complexities that could confuse you.

For most people, connecting to the WiFi network is something they do and then forget about. This causes potential problems when something bad happens. Thus, if we are having any connection problem with the device, it is probably due to some misconfiguration with the router itself.

beyond it power and stability connection, there is another issue that is often neglected with routers: security. The usual thing is that once they are installed, nothing is touched until it is time to change them, but that is when the question arises: when was the last time you updated the router? If it was done recently, you may have done a bad fix.

What happen

It is then that we say something that may sound easy, but it is the reality: configuring a WiFi router is a simple process, but it requires attention to detail to avoid basic mistakes. As its installation is relatively easy, many ignore the possibilities of optimizing the signal or leave security gaps that can be exploited by any Internet user.

With all this, a suitable configuration can improve the coverage of the signal, as well as prevent external users from accessing to the system, so below we will show some common mistakes that can be made when installing a router.

Leave the default settings

We refer both to the default channels and to the network name and password. In this sense, it should be noted that most of the new generation routers already have an automatic channel selection system.

But, in the event that our router does not have this technology, we must make the adjustment manually by entering its interface. For this we have to introduce in the web browser.

Leaving the default network name and password settings is also another serious mistake because, in many cases, these names and passwords are susceptible to brute force attacks, and can be obtained relatively easily. This poses a clear risk to the security of our network, and we will be making things very easy for intruders. Take a moment to change the name of the Wi-Fi network, or to disable public SSIDand also to change the password.

Lack of router monitoring

How is the health of my router? Is it accessible from all the places I need for my WiFi? Is it overloaded? These are the three questions that must be asked frequently to assess the state of the equipment and avoid bottlenecks.

In addition to taking into account the technical capabilities or its resources, you have to regularly review the results of your tests from outside the local network or even from other physical environments (especially in the case of cloud management).

Configure wifi router

Not having a firewall

Not having a Firewall can enable anyone to use the DNS services of our internal network. In addition to saturating the teams when faced with a large number of queries. Thus, our WiFi network may be being used in malicious activities or hacks and we may become responsible for this illicit activity.

The recommendation is to use filters with UDP and TCP protocolssince both are located in the transport layer of the TCP/IP model (the first layer in which source and destination communicate directly).

synchronization failure

Continuing with the possible reasons why the WiFi connectivity error appears in the router configuration, we must mention the failure when establishing the synchronization between the router and the network.

While it’s true that newer computers can work just fine when turned on for several weeks without problems, a network saturation which, as a result, leaves us with the message of No internet connection.

Disable wifi router remote management

Leave remote management enabled

The maxim of these teams is not to leave activated those that are not used. If you don’t intend to access your computer remotely, or you don’t do it often, it’s best to disable this feature.

This problem is further aggravated when the default user of the system also has the default password. This combination is the worst possible and it could be said that if a cybercriminal accesses it, we can consider the team lost in terms of management.